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8:40 AM

34 mi


12.29 mi / hr


133 bpm
172 bpm


Perceived effort 85%

Day # 3 getting in the saddle was a challenge (ouch!) to make matters worse, we had a headwind for the first 15-20 miles of the ride. On the first climb, the group got strung out pretty quickly and I got dropped. Around mile 7 I wanted to quit but decided I was going to tough it out until I had no fight left in me. Shortly thereafter Michelle sagged me from the busy, windy highway (w/ the tiny shoulder) to the first Country road. I continued on at my own pace and was ok with riding along b/c I couldn't push it to keep up with the pack. Around mile 16-18, the wind shifted and I had a nice tailwind for a bit. It was a tough, slow ride (especially alone) but I'm glad I pushed myself to keep going.
