Bike: Long Previous Next


8:30 AM

51.5 mi


15.61 mi / hr


146 bpm
175 bpm


8 / 10
  • Map


Crashed at the beginning of the ride (slippery intersection at bottom of Kiest Hill) but no major damage to me or bike :)

My watch didn't record entire ride, at 2:20 I took my arm-warmers off and must've mistakenly stopped watch off. Perceived effort was 88-90%. Did Keist Hill 2x and the Loop 12 service road 2x. Overall good ride, I feel stronger climbing but am still afraid of steep downhills.

Tried Infinit for the first time, it worked really well for and this was probably the first ride were I felt like I consumed the proper amount of calories and fluids. (1 bottle of Infinite, 1 bottle of Gatorade, 1 bottle of water and some shot blocks)
