Run: Fartlek Previous Next


10:30 AM

10 mi


65 F
  • Map

35E Loop


Perfect weather. 65, sunny, a little breeze, not humid.

20 min warm up, 40 min of fartlek stuff (mainly pushing it for 3-5min increments with slightly less min rest in-between), rest cool down. Overall time around 75min.

Felt OK overall, but hard to find a natural stride while pushing the pace. Body is probably wondering what is going on..just not used to it yet.

Also, went to Dr. Dave yesterday - shoulder/neck area real tight (probably from studying) and left glute area tight. He worked on both and felt a lot better quickly. Today left glute area still hurting a bit and could feel it on the pushes during fartlek. Gotta try to work that one out.
