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6:00 AM

30 mi


9:30 mi

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<No name>


Yikes. Attempted 50 mi. Felt great through halfway. Then approaching the water station at 27 started feeling a little out of it. Got to the rest stop and felt a little dizzy. Decided to stay for a few minutes had a handful of peanuts, water and took a handful of pretzels for the road. COuld not run. I started feeling bloated, swollen and every time I tried to run - my stomach was gloshing around - I could literally hear the liquids moving around. At that moment I knew I jsut was not processing anything that I was putting into it and that everything that I had that morning was just sitting, stuck in my stomach. Not good. Walked for the next three miles to attempt to get to the 30ish mile mark where Alison and my Mom would be. Told her I was done - she wasn't having it htought because I told her to keep pushing be out on the course if I ever said those things. Didn't matter though - I knew I was done. I've never felt so shitty - not my legs, those were fine - but just stomach, mind. I sat in the car for the next 1-2 hrs and my Mom wouldn't leave the parking lot til I had eaten a sandwich and drank a bottle of water (she thought I was dehyrdated). She changed my shoes and put me in a new running outfit in a ttempt to get me back out...but I threw up three times and was still not eating. I was done. After thought and internet research - overhydrated? Rare but pretty dangerous...not sure though. Mad. Legs were feeling great and I was on pace to get around 9 hrs. THe 22 year old "talker" as we named her who I had run an entire loop with finished just around there. She did not stop talking and even had to tell her I was going to listen to my music again. Lessons learned, but more questions now rattling around in my brain....
