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11:45 AM


153.3 lb
  • Exercises


Gym, Push workout + elliptical.

- Angels and devils, 1 x 20, no weight.

- BB Bench, 135 - 8, 165, 3 x 5.

- High/Low cable crossovers, 12.5 lbs. 2 x 12.

- DB OHP, 25 lbs, 3 x 12, 10, 8.

- 1 1/2 lateral raises, 10 lbs, 2 x 12, 10.

- DB lying tricep extensions, 20 lbs, 2 x 12, 10.

- SS with DB waiter curls, 35 lbs. 2 x 8.

- OH carry, 25 lbs, 2 x 50 steps.

- Back extensions, 2 x 10, no weight.

- Rotator cuff external rotation, 1 x 15, 5.5 lbs.

Did elliptical after. worked up to level 6. Max HR 155. Distance 2.37 miles.

Sauna after - ~25 min.

IF, 17 hrs 45 min. 8:30 PM to ~2:15 PM.

Did gripper training (inverted) later.
