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12:00 PM


161.9 lb
  • Exercises


Had right knee surgery yesterday to repair torn cartilage and to smooth out some rough areas. Started recovery exercises today. Able to support weight and hobble around without crutches although need 1 crutch for stairs.

- 1 leg raises. 3 x 30 each leg.

- did leg raise with 30 sec hold at 45 degrees then raised up and down slowly for 60 seconds, 1 set each leg.

- 1 leg stand each leg for 30 seconds.

- left leg bridge - 1 x 10 reps.

- left leg partial squat - 1 x 10 reps.

- left leg calf raises - 1 x 10 (4 sec holds at bottom and top)

- daily tube pull-apart - 1 x 20 reps.

Rogue gripper training.

- G gripper: 1 x 10 regular grip, 1 x 10 inverted grip, 10 second hold regular grip.

- S gripper: 1 x 10 regular grip, 1 x 10 inverted grip, 10 second hold regular grip.

- T gripper: 1 x 5 regular grip (not quite able to close 5th rep with left), 1 x 5 inverted grip (could completely close only 1 rep with left), 10 second hold regular grip (left gap about 1/2 cm).
