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11:30 AM


154.5 lb
  • Exercises


~30 sec cold shower in AM.

PT then to the gym. Did PT exercises on the left leg to balance things out (1 leg press, step ups, Bulgarian SS, 30 sec stands on pad.

- Core - 20 of each -ISO reverse crunch, seated ab circles, reclined elbow to knee, plank elbow to knee, oak tree steps outs (17.5 lbs), pull downs (47.5 lbs), plank push-away.

- Farmers carry with 75 lb DBs. 2 sets of ~50 steps.

- Calf raises - 2 x 8 with no weight.

- Forearms - radial/ulnar deviation, 12.5 lbs (1 x 15). supination/pronation, 7.5 lbs (1 x 15).

- Did exercise bike after. Did gripper training at home later.
