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1:00 PM


161.8 lb
  • Exercises



- Band pull-apart, 1 x 20.

- Around the worlds, 50 lb KB, 1 x 20 rotations.

- Shoulder halos, 20 lb KB, 1 x 24 rotations (alternating).

- Face pull, 17,.5 lbs, 1 x 12.

- Front/back windshield wipers, 5 lb plates, 1 x 21.

- Side windshield wipers, 5 lb plates, 1 x 21.

- BB OHP, 3 sets. 65 - 8, 70 - 8, 75 - 6.

- BB row, 3 sets. 75, 80, 85 - 12 each.

- Floor fly, 50 lb DBs, 2 x 10.

- DB delt row, 20 lbs, 2 x 15 each arm.

- Suitcase carry, 75 lbs, 1 x 60 steps each side.

- Back extension Y, 5 lb plates, 1 x 10.

- Oppo elbow to knee plank, 1 x 40.

- BB wood chop, 27.5 lbs, 1 x 16 each side.

- Plank pushaway, 1 x 20.

- Pronate/supinate wrist, 5 lbs, 1 x 15 each side.

- Radial/ulnar deviation, 17.5 lbs, 1 x 16 each.

Gripper inverted grip, rubber bands
