Run: Repeats Previous Next


8:11 PM

5.9 mi


10:12 mi


184 lb
155 bpm
175 bpm


74 F


6 / 10
8 / 10
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Technically, this was a "strides" workout. Here was the prescribed workout:

"WU well 15-20' then complete 10x20'' strides uphill for power (recovery is easy jog/walk back to start). Return to flats for steady, aerobic running and towards end of run complete 10x20'' strides on the 1' over flat terrain for leg speed."

I started out at a comfortably fast pace for the first two miles (8:41 & 8:56). I started my hill strides near the end of my second mile, which is why the second mile was slower than the first. I don't have an hills that are big enough in Petersburg to run uphill for 20". So I ran the stairs heading down to the park by the river. It took me about 15" to run the stairs, so I ran them 14 times instead of 10. I ran the second set as prescribed, with 20" strides followed by 40" of active recovery.
