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7:10 AM

15.5 mi


9:40 mi


74 F


Did the familiarization run today. I ran mostly with Mike Shaughnessy, Mike Nicholson, and Jim Heun. We were really hitting it.

We covered SRB to Oak Grove in 12'19" (9'02" pace).

Oak Grove to Snowville in 48'49 (9'21" pace)

Snowville to Boston in 48'31" (939" pace)

Boston to Pine Lane in 39'42" (10'18" pace)

OG to PL in 2:17'02"....

I did stop my watch for the breaks, which were longer than 60" but I intend on keeping them under 60" during the race.

Also - I was fairly beat by the time I got to PL. 2:17 is way too fast but if I could keep it to 2:21 or 2:22 then I think I will give myself enough cushion to stay under 5-hours (that is if conditions are good and luck is on my side).

I felt like my fueling was fine. The 30-min gus work well but I will like pop an S-cap at 30', 90' and 140' (rather than 150'). I think it will help.

I was extra careful with my feet today and there are no issues to report. The extra attention and proactive care really helps eliminate problems during the runs.

Overall, an instructive day out on the BT. I learned a lot and am getting excited about racing the BT50K next month.

I want to get two longer runs in before the end of the month, so that I have some time on my feet. Now that I have a sense of pacing that is all I need now.
