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7:00 AM

50 km


8:32 mi


44 F


Rob and I ran the Green Jewel 50K from Rocky River to Oak Grove in Brecksville as a long training run to get ready for the Glass City marathon in Toledo next month. We had put some long runs to get ready including a 25-mile training run two weeks ago with the last ten miles coming on the GJ course. Working on those hills was suppose to make the GJ easier. The problem is no matter how much you prepare for them, the fact of the matter is that there are some big hills between mile 23.5-27 of Green Jewel.

Naturally the weather could not have been worse. It was around 45-degrees throughout. We got 2" of rain on Saturday so it was a steady downpour. Everything was wet and there was no getting around it. There were places on the all-purpose trail, where the plains had flooded and you had no choice but to go through water up you mid-shin. Mentally - this weather would have destroyed me last time this spring but, now, it was just an inconvenient detail.

Mom and Dad had come up to crew and provide some support. Dad also was taking lots of pictures. Jasna was there for about 2 hours but then had to take Jason to the airport.

We collected Rob from Oak Grove at 545pm and then made our way to the start at the Scenic Park Picnic Area in Rocky River. It was slightly more chaotic than I would have liked. The rain was cold, the sky was dark. I went rushing to the bathroom before collecting my and Rob's numbers. Then I was lubing to prevent chafing, throwing on my calf sleeves and arm warmers, and trying to move Rob along. We were not at the start line for more than 20 second before Vince started the race. GJ is a low-key race but still it was a little more rushed than I would have liked.

Once it started, things settled. Rob and I were talking about a 4:30 finish, which would work out to a 8'45" overall pace. The plan was to go out slow, practice fueling, and keep it moving. If we did this right, we were be passing people in the back-half of the race. If we came in close to 4:30, it would be a big PR for both of us.

Everything turned out as planned. We (roughly) kept it easy the first 10-miles, picked it up the second 10-miles, and then gut out the last 10 miles up the hills.

We started passing people around mile 14 and then continued to until the end. Neither Rob nor I got passed the entire day.

I remember getting tired after we passed the mile 21 mark. I said to Rob "so 20 miles in 3 hours?" And he replied, "no, that was 21". I remember thinking "oh, that's good." The next two miles I felt like I was working hard but I looked down and saw that we were still clipping off 8'30" miles. I remember thinking - "ok - you're tired but the machine is still working". Coming up on the 23.5 mile mark, the hills start. The first one is dramatic. We passed someone going up the hill. There was an aid station: I had a coke and a PBJ square. Then we took off getting ready to tackle the second hill. The second hill is not as steep but it's probably longer. As we got near the crest of the hill, I remember thinking - "only one more climb left". I used the downhill to the underpass of I-80. It was a fast mile. We started up the hill to Broadview Hgts hill, which is apparently the highest point in Cuyahoga County. Rob was behind me and I kept telling him to come on. I started to pull away and reached the top of the hill - thinking - "it's all downhill from here". It is mostly downhill from there but it does not feel like that always. After mile 28, I was thinking it was time to "Go!" There were two runners ahead of me. So I was trying to pick them off. The next mile was 8'11". I passed the first runner and then focused on the floresent yellow jacket of the next runner. I could see my pace was quick but I did not feel too labored. At some point Dad and Mom pulled up next to me. They were saying I looked great and I was looking at my form off the reflection of the car. I looked strong, which gave me more confidence. I passed the next runner right at the 29-mile mark (7'30" mile). From that point on, I was just trying to rip it.

Jim Christ pulled up next to me and was messing with me. I was joking back so I knew I was good to go. As I crossed Rt 21 and saw the Brecksville Reservation sign, it was comforting. I crossed the 30-mile mark with a 7'27" mile. Then I saw three more runners ahead. I knew it was just a mile left. So I just went for it. I passed the first runner. We exchanged pleasantries and told each other to keep going. Then I caught the next runner. It was Mike George, who was not in the race. He was just out on his run. He told me to go catch Terri (Lemke) ahead. So I barreled ahead under 7' pace. Terri started getting closer and closer until with about .3 left in the race, I overtook her. She told me I was flying and I thanked her and told her to keep hanging in there. I made the turn to the finish. I saw I had run a 6'50" mile (with help from the downhill). I smiled and let up finishing the last bit. Joe told me to run all the way through the finish, which was a chalk time next to a timing device. I finished up at 4:24'38".

I then went and sat down on the benches. Mom had my bags and I started to slow change into dry clothes. I was pretty tired. Rob ended up coming in at 4:28 so he hit the sub 4:30-goal we had set. He managed to stay steady for the rest of the run after we separated. It was a great day for both of us (especially given the conditions).

After we recovered, Mom, Dad, me, & Rob met LT at the Panera for a cup of coffee. Rob and I did not feel like eating at that moment. LT seemed happy with the exercise and remarked, "6 weeks until Glass City". There is still more work to be done over the coming weeks, but I am confident we'll be ready irrespective of the conditions.

Here were the splits:

1) 9'04"

2) 8'39"

3) 8'37"

4) 8'52"

5) 8'41"

6) 8'36"

7) 8'37"

8) 8'39"

9) 8'47"

10) 8'41"

11) 8'35"

12) 8'27"

13) 8'53"

14) 8'26"

15) 8'59"

15-mile split: 2:10'33"

16) 8'28"

17) 8'27"

18) 8'30"

19) 8'46"

20) 8'29"

21) 8'24" (W130th)

22) 8'28"

23) 8'35"

24) 9'46" (1st hill and aid station stop)

25) 8'39" (2nd hill)

26) 8'15"

27) 8'19" (Broadview Heights hill)

28) 8'11"

29) 7'30"

30) 7'27"

2nd 15-mile split: 2:06'14 (negative split by 4'19")

31) 6'50"

.11) 6'59" pace

Overall: 4:24'38" (8'32" pace)
