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7:16 PM

8 km


8:43 mi


0 F


My goal tonight was to use the Twilight 8K as just adding on some mileage and having a look around the North Chagrin Reservation. We started out of River Grove and up the hill. I was going at a relaxed pace compared to everyone else in my starting group. At the top of the hill, Lloyd was there. He ran with me for a bit and we chatted about my training. After a bit, I headed off keeping about a 9' pace. Then somewhere in the late 4th mile, there was a very big downhill. It was pretty steep but the Buckeye has taught me to downhill well.

At the bottom of the hill was Squires Castle (where BR100 starts). We looped SC and then carried on another mile before finishing up in River Grove.

Because of the staggered start, I was really mowing lots of people from behind. This might be a fun race to race because its good if someone is competitive and likes chasing people down.

It was nice exploring North Chagrin. It's close to Mentor and I could go there when visiting Jasna's family. Good experience tonight and an opportunity to put more miles in the log.
