Run: Trail Previous Next


7:30 PM

23 mi


10:35 mi


68 F


It was 63-degrees when I started and 73-degrees when I finished.

I parked at SRB and ran up to the section near OG, did that and proceeded to Snowville (from SRB to Snowville, 6.67 miles). This section felt good and I thought I was being conservative covering it in 1:07'19" (10'06" pace). Then I backed it off even more between Snowville and Boston (4.68 miles in 52'08", 11'08" pace). I refilled my water at Boston and emptied a rock from my shoe.

Then I hit the section back to Snowville in 50'11" (5.08 miles in 9'53" pace). I detoured to the yellow houses at Jaite for more water and then was really working hard on the Snowville to Ottawa section (4.03 miles in 47'22" at 11'45" pace). I was running steady on the flats and downhills but the uphills were really tough. Mentally, I was out of it from the last river crossing to Ottawa (I cannot walk the majority of that hill during the race). I refilled at Ottawa and then just kept it moving.

As I pulled out of Ottawa for the last bit, my legs were really sore (like in the back-end of a marathon sore). I covered the last section from Ottawa to OG (1.72 miles) in 18'19", which was 10'40" pace. Then I just cruised down the hills and back towards SRB (.82 miles in 7'51" at 9'32" pace). When my mileage hit 23 miles, I stopped and walked the last bit to the car. My legs are sore and spent. I am hoping it has to do with the back-to-back workouts.

No blisters to report. Fueling was ok. I wished I had eaten something before doing a 4-hour run. Water was fine. S-caps and GU on schedule until the last bit when I was going on necessity and need.

The good news is it's time to taper!

And I broke my previous mileage PR for a single month today. It was 310miles in August 2010. I am not at 326 miles with tomorrow left in the month. Great month of work!
