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9:00 AM

3.1 mi


6:04 mi


50 F


First mile was 5:55, second was 11:50 (5:45), Last 1.1 was 6'57" (which is 6'19" pace or t-pace).

Lost contact with LT at around 1.5 - he put 10" on me at 2m and then another 20" on me in the last 1.1

In terms of v-dot, I am sitting at 53.7 (or exactly where I was at the 2m TT back in early march.

Big problem was I was not catching anyone in front of me and no one was giving chase so more or less place-held. I was not very tough the last 800 meters or I could have closed the gap and caught 7th place OA.

No biggie - just a w/o. 8th OA, 1st in my AG.

On to Canton a week from tomorrow.
