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9:21 AM

10.3 mi


7:05 mi


50 F
  • Map

B&H @303


Today was 5x2m at (t-pace, ~6'25) with 2'30" rest in-between

I cooked the first one (way too fast). LT paced me on the first mile of reps 2, 3, & 4. Then I did a fifth. I negative split all of these except number 1.

1) 12'32" (6'16")

2) 12'39" (6'19")

3) 12'36" (6'18")

4) 12'38" (6'19")

5) 12'42" (6'21")

Pretty happy with these reps. Total time at t-pace = 63'07" (most ever) - Average 12'37" (6'19" pace). I'd like to have the first one back. And I need to remember first mile at 6'23" or 6'24".
