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9:39 AM

8.4 mi


7:16 mi


62 F
  • Map

B&H @ 303


The w/o was 4x2mile with 2'40" rest (guessing i am around 13' per 2 mile or 6'30").

1) 2.01 in 13:04 (6'29" pace)

2) 2.01 in 13'07" (6'32" pace)

3) 2.01 in 13'02 (6'29" pace)

4) 2.01 in 13'23" (6'40" pace)

Averaged 6'34" pace

I had no get-up on that last rep. I wanted to quit a half-dozen times. But I saw it through. I still don't feel like I am in shape. I feel slow and like I have no extra gear. But I got a month to get my head right so I can compete where I am at in the best way I can.
