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9:13 AM

3.7 mi


6:40 mi


32 F
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BBHS Track


Last real workout before CIM. It would have been great to be on a clear track. I made a start and finish line with a line in the snow and then I just went to work.

w/o is 3x1600m w/ 60% recovery in between reps. I calculated I was at 55-vdot. (This is 5'48" pace so my quarters are 1'27", 2'54", 4'21" and 5'48"). Recovery at 60% equals 3'28".

Reps were:

1) 5'50"

2) 5'47"

3) 5'47"

When I got tired, I would say "sharpening" to myself. I didn't lose much focus. Overall, I want to finish off this taper. But I feel like a million bucks at the moment. 9 days until the gun.
