Run: Race Previous Next


6:00 PM

5 km


6:43 mi


88 F

Race Result

9 / 156 (5.8%)
1 / 10 (10%)
  • Map


We started off at Dix stadium and caught the B&H towards the university. I blazed through the first mile at 6'17". I felt fine but thought I'd conserve some energy so I lightly backed it off. Then We hit the university and I was in a pack of three people. I surged on them about 1.5 miles in and left them. At that point there was a guy in the distance so I just latched on to him and started hunting him. My second mile was 6'50"

We past the gardens and library and then had the long climb up May 4th hill. This was the toughest part of the race. Once I was up over that I let gravity do its work and hit the downhill.

We finally hit the Brain and then I unleashed all I had down the downhill. On the second to last turn I caught the guy in front of me and as we made the final turn at mile 3 (6'50"), I hit a sprint to ensure that his spirit was broken. I crossed the finish line (last. .1 was at 5'38" pace), Greg Dykes told me I was in the top 10 of the race.

I felt ok but was hot and tired. The heat and humidity really took its toll during mile three.

But I was pleased with the effort.
