Run: Hill Previous Next


8:55 AM

3 mi


8:31 mi


76 F
  • Map


Seemed cooler at the bottom of the hill. It also felt more humid. I was drenched

Workout was 7x90" with 2'30" rest in between. I tried to remember to "pace" the hill so I could really work the top end.

1) .23 (6'27" pace)

2) .23 (6'37")

3) .22 (6'47")

4) .22 (6'51")

5) .22 (6'53")

6) .22 (6'52")

7) .22 (6'48")

Mentally - this was a tough workout and my legs probably needed another day of rest. But I wanted to get this one behind me. I can feel the benefits of losing some weight and increased fitness. Need to keep it rolling in this direction
