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8:00 AM

13.1 mi


6:43 mi


68 F

Race Result

18 / 443 (4.1%)
1 / 34 (2.9%)


This was my third Buckeye Half-Marathon in three years. In 2009, I PR'd in 1:33'26" (7'08" overall pace). Last year, I PR'd with a 1:30'15" (6'53" pace). This year I was in better shape and ready to get after it. But I wanted to keep to a plan and be smart about it. Outwardly, I was saying 1:27/1:28 but inwardly I was thinking sub-1:27 (maybe even crack into the high 1:25s).

Conditions were deceiving: It was cool this morning and temps could have lulled people into thinking it was ideal. But there was a far amount of humidity in the air as I discovered after my 2-mile w/u. I did not engage with the weather or humidity factor. The time has come to stop thinking about things I cannot control. I just need to execute. It was 68 at the start and 73 at the finish but high humidity.

I wore my racing flats for this race, which was a bit risky. Feet were fine throughout the race but I think the half-marathon is at the outer limit of my being able to wear racing flats in a race. To ensure minimal feet issues, I lubed up excessively well and took an S-cap prior to the race to ensure my electrolytes were topped off. I also took a GU because I did not eat breakfast this morning.

My plan had me around 6'50" or the 6'40"s for the first two miles and then let it out a bit. The goal was to be ready to hammer from mile 10-in. I wanted to be as close to t-pace (6'20") as possible.

The race started and I took out just ahead of the 1:30 pace group. Chatted with Vince for a bit but wanted to be ahead of their 6'52" pace.

The first couple miles were a bit screwy in terms of markings (overall the course measured out on my Garmin at 13.2 miles).

Here were my splits:

1) 6'50" (according to GPS autolap) I reset the mile lap after hitting the official mile marker at 6'58" (it was long because my pace was faster than 6'58").

2) 6'24" (GPS read a 6'16" second mile but you could add an additional 8" because I reset it after crossing first mile marker - either way it was very short).

3) 6'38" (according to GPS, but I hit the lap after another 35" when I hit the three mile marker, so 7'13" - totally off)

According to the official course markers, I hit the 3 mile mark at 20'27" (6'49" pace overall). This pace was not hyper-comfortable but I did not feel like I was letting it rip either. So I was happy with this.

At this point, I turned off the auto lap. I figured I would just hit the lap button at each mile marker. It might be a more accurate read - or at least help with my lack of math skills.

4) 6'41" (Garmin - 1.01, 6'38" pace)

5) 6'41" (Garmin - 1.01, 6'38" pace

6) 6'37" (Garmin - 1.01, 6'34" pace)

7) 6'37" (Garmin - .99, 6'40" pace)

8) 6'40" (Garmin - 1.01, 6'38" pace)

9) 6'48" (Garmin - 1.03, 6'36" pace)

10) 6'25" (Garmin - .98, 6'31" pace) - Average of mile 9&10 was 6'37" which is probably more accurate.

11) 6'48" (Garmin - 1.02, 6'41" pace)

12) 6'35" (Garmin - .99, 6'40" pace)

13) 6'57" (Garmin - 1.04, 6'42" pace)

.1) 34" (Garmin - .1, 5'36" pace)

Last 5k - 20'54" (6'44" pace - but the measurement was long, it was more like 3.2 miles). Either way, my last 5K was faster than my first 5K.

I totaled out at 1:27'50" (6'42"). The Garmin had me 13.2 miles in 1:27'58 (6'39" pace). According to the SARC results I finished in 1:27'56" (6'43" pace).

Miscellaneous Notes:

Hydration - As mentioned, I took an S-cap and GU before starting the race. Then I took an S-cap and GU at mile 5.5 (around 35'). I took another GU right before the 10 mile mark (1:06'56") but I missed my S-Cap. As I was getting it out of my plastic bag, it dropped to the ground. I was pretty clumsy at the 10-mile water station. It disrupted my rhythm and cost me a few seconds.

- I drank small cups of water at 1.5, 4, 5.5, 8, 10, & 12.

- No blister issues, No cramping issues, energy levels were steady throughout.

Pacing: I felt like I paced smartly. I was constantly pressing the whole day. I never really had break out miles where my pace considerably dropped, but I did not drop off either so It was a steady effort (under fairly humid conditions).

- I was not passed all day. I made moves against others though. The second loop I passed three people: someone at mile 7, another person at mile 9, and then Greg Dykes at 11.5. I could not catch the two people ahead of Greg and me. I chased them the entire second loop. I closed the distance but every time I felt like I was picking up the pace so did they. I never threatened to pass them all day.

Even though Greg's training is suffering because of Wesley's arrival, it was a good mental boost to hold him off by 14". I was working very hard to hold him off. But I am under no illusions. I know if all things were equal Greg still has the edge in terms of fitness and racing experience.

I was happy to be able to sprint it in. I was really racing the clock. I saw 1:27'44" and I wanted to cross the line before 1:28. I crossed with 2" to spare in 1:27'58".

I totaled out at 1:27'50" (6'42"). The Garmin had me at 1:27'58 (6'39" pace) According to the SARC final results, I finished in 1:27'56 (6'43" pace, a 10-second improvement from last year).

I was surprised to learn I finished 18th OA. Admittedly, the level of competition was not what it was last year but I was happy to snag a top-20 finish. Equally surprised to learn that I finished 1st in my age group (35-39). I never dreamed that I would finish that well. Although I must admit I was thinking about AG placements as I was chasing Dykes. But AG awards and placements are about the luck of the draw and who shows up on any given day. Naturally, I am not reading anything into this but it is nice to be recognized all the same.

The 2011 Buckeye Half provided me with another positive experience. It is nice to be able to come here and keep setting PRs. It is also a good gateway into the fall racing season. I am excited about the experiences to be had this fall. I also want to keep hammering on my training. I feel like I am on the verge of a time-jump in the marathon.

But as usual: I am not going to get too high or low with this result. It is - after all - just one data point. I am happy to steal the PR but mentally I am already looking ahead to Punxsy in two weeks.
