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6:20 PM

6.8 mi


6:40 mi


192 lb


74 F
  • Map

B&H @ 303


I did 3X15' @ t-pace with 3' in between each rep. This was my longest and hardest workout to date.

My splits were:

1) 6'38"

2) 6'39"

3) 6'39"

I felt pretty good during the first one. The second one dragged a bit particularly the last three minutes. The last rep was tough mentally. I just tried to stay focused. The last four minutes were difficult. Surprisingly however, my body held. I never dropped or wavered from the pace. I just kept steady despite the strange places my head traveled to.

I feel like I have great endurance, solid speed, and have myself in a great place as we come up on being one-month out from Chicago. There are not too many more hard workouts left.
