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7:09 AM

19.5 mi


13:58 mi


86 F


I met up with the group at Station Bridge about 12 hours after doing the 5K in Kent. It was a bit of a mistake. My legs felt mostly depleted and I had not properly fueled. I did not eat after the 5K and then I only had a slice of toast in the morning before the run. It was a recipe for a disaster before a 23 mile trail run.

Initially however I felt ok - albeit it at a slow pace. I ran out to Boston with Darris and Star Blackford as well as Ron. Everything was fine at Jaite. Then I noticed I was getting tired during the second section. When I reached Boston I was hungry. I pushed ahead for two more miles back (we were around 13.5) when I told the others to proceed without me. Then I mostly walked back to Jaite. I did manage to run another mile around 15 but by that point I was only burning fat and was utterly depleted. So when I reached Jaite, I rehydrated and then took Riverview back to Station Bridge. It was a long three miles and I was extremely tired when I got back.

I think I have enough miles in me to finish BT50K. I won't however ever race 12 hours (and not properly eat) before a long group run. It just busted my run and made me feel like hell physically. But it was another lesson learned.
