Run: Tempo Previous Next


10:00 AM

8 mi


6:32 mi


188.4 lb


68 F
  • Map

B&H @ 303


Today's workout called for 3X 2-miles @ t-pace with an option for a fourth rep if I felt up to it. I opted for the fourth rep.

I felt much stronger today and ran at a comfortably hard pace. I could have definitely gone harder. I was not "all out" ever today.

The reps were not steady until the end.

1) 2 miles in 13'07" (6'34" pace). I did not feel like I was pushing hard enough.

2) 2 miles in 13'04" (6'33" pace). This felt fine. I was slightly tired the last half-mile of this rep but my body held constant throughout.

3) 2 miles in 13'01" (6'31" pace). This was my best rep. I felt strong, fluid, and like I was not pushing hard. I felt like I could hold this all day. Even when I got late into the rep, I was busy trying to slow from a 6'29" pace.

4) 2 miles in 13'00" (6'31" pace). This was was as steady as number three but felt differently. About the last 3/4 of a mile I was working hard to concentrate to hold pace. I did not have to speed up or slow down. My pace held despite being tired.

Eight miles at t-pace is my biggest workout to date. I am feeling confident and strong. And I don't think I have peaked yet. I keep getting stronger and faster each week. The rest of the week is easy until Sunday morning.

I am very pleased with my workout today!
