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11:40 AM

4.5 mi


7:47 mi


89 F
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Today was more i-pace (5'56" pace or 1'29" per quarter). LT had me do a ladder: 400, 800, 1200, 1600 with 75-100% recovery. Then on the way down it was 400, 300, 200, 100. I was really milking my recovery on the way down. Everything was fine until the 1600 @ i-pace. That and the heat zapped me. I was able to smoke the shorter stuff on the way down but I was really battling the heat. I need to get out earlier!

here were the splits:

400 - 1'26" (1'29" recovery)

800 - 2'56" (2'58" recovery)

1200 - 4'25" (3'40" recovery)

1600 - 5'57" (4'29" recovery

400 - 1'22" (1'28" recovery)

300 - 58" (1'25" recovery)

200 - 37" (1'11" recovery)

100 - 15"

This was a tough w/o but I felt like I had great turnover, consistency and was steady.
