Run: MAF Previous Next


9.2 km


8:33 km


152 bpm
158 bpm



1 / 10


why the 152 AHR instead of 151? I still kept my HR under MAF very strict but:

I noticed that after a while I started to mentally tire out and that meant I kept becoming a little bit stressed for 1-2 secs which always sent my HR up by about 2-3 bpm to 153-155 for a couple of secs. then I told myself what the heck I just don't care as long as I generally keep under or at MAF (153). who cares about the details beyond that? that made the mental load go away! but AHR came out at 152 which is still just fine (MAF-1).

so I put effort in as "1" as for all my MAF runs but mental effort was really a 9 until I got to this revelation :)

OHH and I was running while it was snowing and the course was snowy as well so I think I was in a great shape because snow usually makes me slow down by at least 50secs/mile, so I can't begin to imagine what cool pace I could have got without snow.
