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7:15 AM

8 mi


15:10 mi


175 lb
97 bpm
105 bpm
50 bpm


27 F


7 / 10
9 / 10
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7.08 Hosta, Columbus, McCart, Risinger, Summer Creek, Columbus, Hosta

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27 deg, no wind. ls Starter compression shirt, ls cowtown in training shirt, leggings, shorts, light gap cap, mid wt gloves. Cold at the start. Had to avoid icy patches on columbus trail and summer creek, the shady sides. Tried to run in the sun as it rose until I warmed up. Fingers and toes were cold. I had put hand cream on my face and chap stick before going out, so that they wouldn't get chapped. After about 2 mi, everything was warm and toasty, just right. Not cole, not to warm. The Mizuno's did well, just some easily tolerable left toe numbness. Ran 4 mi before walking to drink some G2 and simulate water stops a bit. Then ran 3mi until cool down. While jogging during the 6th mi I got hungry and had a gu and some G2. Finished the G2 during the cool down walk/very slow jog. Longest continuous running so far. 7 mi total. Feel good and like I could go out and run another couple of mi at least.
