Run: Moderate Pace Previous Next


5.1 mi


6:32 mi


Another night run- this time by myself, listening to Brecker's Quindectet "Wide Angles." It was 60º but still too warm for me to wear a shirt. Got some hilarious comments, as always, including from a middle aged woman who was talking to a cop after getting in an accident. I stared her down while I ran past--- very silly.

Anyway, intended to go easier on this run but ended up feeling pretty good the first couple miles so I just let my legs dictate the pace. Ended up feeling my calves on the way back, but still increased the pace toward the end. Last .75 or so was at 5:40 pace, and feeling reasonably comfortable. I think if I went and ran a mile today, I could've run it in 5:30 or so. Not that that is at all impressive, it just seems odd since I haven't been running at all. I've been trying to figure out why I can run despite taking almost the whole month of September off, and I think it's two things -- running in the Vibrams (or in a forefoot striking stance) takes less adjustment for my body and-- I live on the 4th floor of my building (no elevator) and take the stairs to class a lot too. Just that extra bit for my legs most days has probably kept them capable of running okay.

Kept a ~180 spm, wore the injinji socks and didn't have any blistering. I'm not sure if I prefer wearing them with socks or without, but I didn't think it made that much of a difference for the way my feet could feel the ground.
