Run: Moderate Pace Previous Next


5.5 mi


6:37 mi


I was pretty happy with how this run went. I went with a plan, and stuck to it the whole way through. Nice late evening in Rainy Rochester. Did the first couple miles a little easier- right on 7 minute pace, or maybe slightly above. However, my legs didn't really feel very comfortable. The strides I was taking almost felt too small and when I began to run more like 6:40 pace later in the run, I felt a bit more comfortable. I felt my calves a little bit after the turnaround point, but they got no worse. Also, I experienced rubbing under my left big toe, but it's not all that bad. Still wearing the socks with Vibrams, since they seem to be staving off much of the blistering. Checked stride rate twice, with both checks coming in at 184, despite the rather different pacing for the two. At Oxford Street, I began a pickup that probably started at 6:15 pace and ended probably 5:15 pace, with an average for the last 1.2 of 5:45 pace. It's probably the last pickup of such a nature I'll do for a little while, since I'm looking just to do more easy mileage while it's still not too cold here, but it is nice to know I can run a cruising pace of 5:45 or faster for more than a mile, considering how little running I've been doing. I tried to keep in mind that I was running quick, not hard, and that seemed to help again. I finished feeling like I'd been running hard, but not that I'd really pushed myself too much-- stood upright and headed straight up the stairs without any difficulty.
