Run: Long Previous Next


10.1 mi


7:26 mi


COMMENTS: long run... first one over 10 miles since... september? ran with david all the way until 1 hour, then he and andrew switched off who was biking and who was running. andrew's still recovering from pneumonia, so he had to stop running and get back on the bike, but he needed to give it a go. felt good towards the end for certain but the beginning was not comfortable. felt not in control, etc. when the hill came about mile 6.5 i gave a good burst that felt smooth going up the hill... i'll need to turn in one of those blackwell long hillworkouts soon. that should be fun. didn't kick it in at the end, just turned the pace up to 640 or so for the last 800m just to stretch the legs out and give the fast twitch a little turn over, a la Jim Dickerson's training recommendations. A good run... I look forward towards this week and new year of training.
