Run: Moderate Pace Previous Next


5.1 mi


6:40 mi


I aimed to take the pace down a notch from yesterday and go a little longer. Did pretty well, although I did feel some fatigue the last 1.5 miles especially. Just a nice reminder that I am, in fact, out of shape. Must've done poorly in taking it down on a notch on the opening couple miles though, because unless I remembered the time wrong, I wasn't much slower on the way out from yesterday. Definitely felt more relaxed though, with a little more loping/bounding feeling than a driving one. Gotta focus on that relaxation and keep running light while on soft surfaces as much as I can. I wish there were grass near me downtown, but there just isn't. I suppose a wee bit of pavement running can't be all that terrible. If it isn't too cold and blustery, when I get the Carlton back later this week, I'll ride along during the day to the park and do the trails and around the fields, to guarantee soft ground. Pretty sure I'll sign up for that 5K this weekend for the lulz.
