Run: Moderate Pace Previous Next


4.7 mi


7:15 mi



  • Map

Cobbs Hill


A guess on the distance/pace, but this seems pretty good. Much of the run was a bit under 7, but the loop in the wood was slower because the terrain was a little rough. Felt great; it's great to have Brendan back in town to run and play music with. Sunny but not too warm, though it was pleasant enough to go shirtless. Feet felt fine before and after, and the legs in general felt good. My right calf/achilles was a little worn feeling by the end, but I know the achilles does take some strain from cycling, so it's no surprise.

This was a key run for mental health. Was somewhat stumbling around the apartment, losing my mind a bit after Lulu and I said our goodbyes, so hooray for exercise! It's definitely a solid reminder why I'm never going without this kind of strive for fitness in my life again, because it's such a good way to balance everything and keep stable.
