Bike: Easy Previous Next


34.5 mi


14.39 mi / hr


Met the group at 12 corners at 8am. A little on the slower side today, with the group going various paces at different points, then regrouping. Despite this, I made a big effort to attack the rolling hills hard today, and was joined by Mark and Matthew on most of the attacks. Fairly pleasant and easy going besides that. It was chilly when I left, so I wore a XC challenge shirt beneath the jersey until I got to 12 corners. The sun was out, so it wasn't really necessary to keep wearing it. Had good conversations with always; a really interesting chat with Matthew about the concept of "rules" in music and theory instruction. His insight was pretty fascinating, since he does work with computers where the rules must be absolute. He mentioned the idea of hierarchical rules/guidelines in music, which I suppose I understood already, but to hear it called explicitly that was a great point.
