Run: Moderate Pace Previous Next


7 mi


6:53 mi

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in KK


Afternoon run with Chris in the forest. Just below freezing and overcast, but no wind. Ended up taking my hat off halfway through due to being a little overly warm. The goretex is great, but it does get too warm on most runs and I roll the sleeves and ventilate at the top. Much better than the opposite, though!

Felt pretty good throughout, and I set the pace right about 7min pace in the first couple trails. We did the 411, the 911, ran the rest of the normal woodloop back to the van to drop off some clothes, then did a full loop (the 1200 loop plus mile repeat loop) out in the the grassland before finishing a course woodloop that was cruised about 6:45 pace. Pace still felt pretty easy and comfortable throughout the course woodloop, although we did back it off purposefully a couple of times throughout the run to make sure it didn't become like a tempo. We conversed throughout, which is a good sign of how relaxed the pace stayed.

I felt my shins a little bit maybe 15 minutes in, and also when we stopped to drop clothes off. Other than that, there wasn't any pain, and I haven't felt them after the run. I'll keep the mileage low for a while still (even though that's a little challenging), I'll try running the next run in the flats so I'm using different shoes, and I'll keep the stretching frequent. Saw Paul Anderson starting a run right as we left, so we chatted to him before he set off. Good to see others having a good running career post NV, even if they never ran NVXC!
