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5 km


6:28 mi


Nice jaunt at the trot this year (probably my last). Came down with a slight fever a couple days ago, and woke up this morning still feeling a bit feverish (after having slept for only 4 hours). Had a nosebleed in the car on the way to the race, and ran over to the start only 3 minutes before it was due to start. Got in line around the 7:00 min pace line, expecting to feel like total garbage, but I ended up getting out in around 6:30 pace and staying almost exactly there. Felt pretty comfortable the whole time. Saw lots of NVXC alums afterward, talked to Pat and Aaron for a while (Aaron took 2nd), and saw some coaches and parents. Weird to think how far back those years are getting now.

Anyway, after this went fairly well, I think I'll keep training the next few weeks until winter break, since it seems that biking is now totally done until the winter. If there's a sudden warm day (at least 45º without much wind), I may go out for a decent ride, but besides that I'll try to run 5 days a week and watch injuries so I can be in good shape to run with David and Andrew over the holidays.
