Run: Long Previous Next


11:18 PM

6 mi


8:00 mi


81 F


4 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map

Random Route


semi long run. went well. felt a slight twinge little in my right knee and shin around mile 5. nothing to worry about with easy runs the next couple days. I should pay more attention to my stride and foot placement. three glasses of water before I left worked well though I tasted my bbq dinner from 7pm at mile 1 being so full of water. I'm thinking of skipping what should be mondays (now on tues) workout to get back on track without losing my day of rest on friday.

this route covered a very steep downhill nearing 6th on san jac. I think I covered it well extending the leg out and lessing my kick.

I noticed the more people were around the faster I ran ( downtown )
