Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:20 AM

6.2 mi


7:45 mi


21 F
  • Map

<No name>


TEMPO RUN. NOT FUN. 6.2 miles of total running...2 miles warmup..3.7 miles tempo at 7:22 pace and then cooldown (ran 1/2 mile of the cooldown with Illana Cassady). Strangely I did the exact same time as I did last sunday in that tempo run even thought I felt slower today. this is my usual 6.2 mile loop and friday I'd run it in 54 minutes total so 48 minues is okay but Keiron thinks based on my 6:33 per mile recent 5K I should be going faster than 7:22 per mile for my tempo part, I'll need to check McMillan (although a lot was on hilly areas like Teresa/Timlin). Cold out..wore tights, long sleave tech shirt and vest and 2 pairs of mittens.
