Run: Easy Previous Next


7:45 AM

5 mi


9:23 mi


95 lb


70 F
  • Map

Golden West


Again, I wasn't feeling so hot. Probably from the culmination of all my past runs. And probably from some other things too, although I can't tell you what. I started off SUPER easy. I managed to pick it up, but not without feeling extreme fatigue. It was a good thing it was nice and overcast because I would have wanted to die if the sun was out and taunting me.

I'm surprised I finished a minute faster than I did yesterday though. I could have sworn I was even slower today. It's really hard to gauge pace sometimes. All I hope for next week is to make it out alive with AT LEAST 30 miles tucked under my belt. I've decided that if I'm that tired again next week, I can skip a run. That sounds like giving up though :( I don't want to give up! I don't health is the important thing, so let's hope it can keep up with my training.

Oh, it didn't help that my knees bothered me slightly too. It was only slightly though...
