Run: Easy Previous Next


7:45 AM

5 mi


9:35 mi


95 lb


69 F
  • Map

Golden West


This run was doomed from the start. I woke up fine. However, after my obligatory pre-run piece of toast (today's with hummus), my tummy felt queasy. I am normally able to overcome this. The real clincher was the overwhelming sense of fatigue that fell upon me as I mentally made myself get ready. I had to sit down on the sofa and close my eyes for a bit. I wasn't sleepy, per say, just extremely run-down. And as glorious the overcast morning was, it also contributed to putting a damper on my energy reserves.

In the end, I got up, did some MJ, and started jogging. It felt all right. I decided that I would be able to do my 5 miles even though my conscience was guilting me into doing 6 (why??? I'm supposed to build up to that next week, but I wanted reassurance...). I suppose this run wasn't too bad overall. I finished fine and stayed relaxed and in the theme of "nice and easy." Sometimes a girl just needs to let her legs get some down time and enjoy the scenery.
