Run: Easy Previous Next


7:40 AM

6 mi


9:33 mi


95 lb


70 F
  • Map

Golden West


OMG, so darn tired this morning! Seriously, I had zero energy and even less motivation to go for a run. But, I stopped being a baby, practiced a minute or so of MJ moves and then headed off. Let's just say that most of this run was a SLOW CRAWL. At the half-mile mark, my time was 5:15. At about 1.1 miles, it was 11:20. So, imagine my surprise when I finished at the time I did. How in the heck did I manage to run a 9:33 mile pace???

On the way back, I think I picked it up, so that could have helped. Then, crossing TC Blvd to get to Olive on my last mile, I ended up running with this other girl, which really brought out the competitor in me. Man did I start running way faster than I had been. That probably helped too. And it also shows what a pathetic idiot I am for not having the guts to run faster. Bleh. This week has been tiring, so maybe better luck next week.
