Run: Fartlek Previous Next


4:35 AM

9.2 mi


7:49 mi

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w/u with Robert, Phil and Gary. They went to the track. Steve and I did our "tempo" stuff. I wanted 8 miles of 7:20. Ended up with only 7, last 2 miles were terrible. Bailed on number 8. Steve's pace was were I needed to be the 800 meter recovery was to much, I needed steady state. Good news, the glute/high hamstring thing cooperated for the most part, until it didn't in the last couple of miles. Believe its actual cause may be the arthritis in my left foot/ankle. *&&^%$ probably need to just retire completely from this running shit.

Splits: 7:21,7:20,7:16,7:19,7:19,7:25,7:30
