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6:40 AM

5.1 mi


9:19 mi


Brooks Launch


181 lb
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Downtown Chicago

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Did my own version of a WMTR today along the lakeshore in downtown Chicago. It was the most "in nature" I could get! GPS acted funny again...couldn't get it to lock from the 26th floor but then I went to the ground and it got on really quick. But it wouldn't switch from the Locating Satellites screen to the timer screen like it usually does. I finally manually forced it. So I don't buy the first mile was a 7 min mile. The other thing is that I ran until is said 2.6 miles and then turned around and ran the exact same route back. I wasn't over 5 yet so I kept going to get the last few tenths in there.

Another funny last 3 runs have been along three different states and over three different weeks. I am home for a bit now so the next few weeks should be more normal and I can get back to morning runs and evening weights.





When the GPS is off, hold down the mode and lap buttons and then press the power button. This is a soft reset and may help you out. If that doesn't work I'd try updating your firmware on the garmin site. Also, I've had GPS issues when I've run in the midst of tall buildings...could be your issue.