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8:23 AM

13.1 mi


8:32 mi


169 lb
180 bpm
199 bpm


70 F


10 / 10
10 / 10

Race Result

1525 / 22749 (6.7%)
207 / 1379 (15%)
1125 / 8244 (13.6%)
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Country Music Half Marathon

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Clock time: 2:10:09

Age Grade: 53%

5 km: 28:19; 10 km: 55:40; 10 mile: 1:27:18

Last 5km: 24:22 (faster than most of my older 5k races)

Race went really well, almost strategic. Ran with JP the first 7 miles. Took it easy on the first 3 miles while still gaining some speed on downhills. Next 4 we picked up the pace a bit. Lost JP at the packed water stations on the narrow road at mile 7. My HR had finally stabilized and I found a good "pace" by running at a constant effort and adjusting speed for the elevation through mile 10. Started picking up the pace to ration what I had left. Flew down the hill during 13, and struggled to keep accelerating on the flat road to the finish. Heat didn't bother me, but may have slowed me a little, and the high HR almost made me throw up at the finish.

I carried a water bottle the first 10 miles. I tried to only drink at the mile markers and rationed it so I didn't drink too much, but always had it available. I'm not sure if carrying the bottle affected my time or energy negatively. Grabbed some Cytomax at approx every other stop. Had to walk a few steps at most stops to drink it. Bottle was nicer because I could suck the water out and not have an issue. Grabbed some Gu at 10/11 and took it quicker than I did in practice runs. Had to chase it with Cytomax since I was out of water and didn't see any. I think I grabbed a Cytomax at 12 also. On the downhill to the stadium, I swerved to the far left of the road to grab a lei and high-five the crow/raven/whatever mascot (forgot who the sponsor was). I wanted the lei for Alex, but ended up with a pink one. Didn't cost any time really.
