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13.1 mi


8:58 mi


60 F

Race Result

77 / 182 (42.3%)
5 / 10 (50%)
22 / 85 (25.9%)


28th Annual Deleon Springs Half Marathon 2012...definitely better prepared than for the x-country! Was VERY cold at the start, someone said in the 40s, but it warmed up to ~60 pretty quickly, very foggy at first too, which was nice...knew I needed to maintain 9:10 mpm to get a 2 hr finish, but was able to keep it below that most of the time!...felt very strong from about 5 to 8, and then was ready to be done after that! but did a fair amount of passing of people who had blown by me earlier, so that was pretty cool, including these two spitting ladies who semi trash talked at mile 9 that they'd catch up and beat me in the last 3 miles (never happened)....M&D came out for the start and were at the finish line, so that was pretty cool! then we went for french toast/pancakes @ the old sugar mill....seriously, the best bacon in the world! had a little bit of a cut/blister on my right heel b/c my socks had sagged a smidge, and the second toe on my right foot was a blister along its left side, but other than that, no issues whatsoever! beat my goal of a 2 hour finish!!!

Lap 1 9:28

Lap 2 8:52

Lap 3 10:10

Lap 4 9:13

Lap 5 8:56

Lap 6 8:49

Lap 7 8:32

Lap 8 8:37

Lap 9 8:50

Lap 10 8:46

Lap 11 8:43

Lap 12 8:41

Lap 13 8:49
