Run: Easy Previous Next


5:15 AM

10.1 mi


8:16 mi


53 F
  • Map

<No name>


weird, summary said temp was 53.4 and 100% humidity, but it felt neither that cold nor that humid, i guess the humidity cancelled out the coolness, but it still felt great! i would've guessed it was ~60...very nice not to come home dripping sweat...anyhow, I prob pushed it too much, but was feeling great b/c i slept straight thru from 830-430, prob bc lilly got adopted yesterday!!!!!!!!!! and it let me rest easy for once :) read something about how you can't expect to run mp on race day if you haven't practiced so went ahead and ran fairly hard today, felt good

1 8:46

2 8:52

3 8:52

4 8:48

5 8:24

6 7:40

7 7:57

8 7:48

9 7:40

10 7:47
