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6:15 AM

10.3 mi


7:51 mi


144 bpm
160 bpm


77 F
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75 minutes at Z2

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Up at 1030 with headache, up at 1230 with 10x worse headache + throbbing eye and neck pain, took meds and thought a puke would help but couldn't make it happen, luckily it went away with bf and pac walk

77, 85%

Plan was for 75 mins endurance z2, 144-152bpm, inc 5 mins each w/u & c/d

Went out to SSF, timed it perfectly to start right at daybreak, went up Sand then out Grade, passed Moccasin Springs and Oak campsites, unfortunately didn't see a sign for the springs so will have to try another day, came back same way except picked up Florida Trail before hitting East Spur, super cool, narrow, twisty - only exceeded time target by 5 mins

Forgot to check vo2m at end

62, 30 4 aerobic, easy, warmup

CPM - 6 bunnies, 1 armadillo, heard quail

Got out to barn at 8 and Kheepers was napping under a tree , hated to roust her but she needed a good hosing
