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5:25 AM

7 mi


8:53 mi


72 F
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<No name>


going to go ahead and sign up for bp 1/2 next weekend, since this workout went by the book

warmup 3m, 28:38, 9:33mpm

8 x 0.1m repeats w/ 0.1m recoveries - plan had called for 100m repeats, technically these were 200 (easier to program garmin for the 0.1m) - mcmillan paces for 200m to be 0:41-0:46, so I hit them pretty much dead on, plan didn't say what recoveries were supposed to be, so I just went for what was easiest to plug into garmin, should've run them slower, 9:40-10:22, had already felt like I was just barely plugging along at the paces I was doing, but will try for slower next time...warmup and cooldown were right on as well, 8:32-9:33, might've been able to do them at the faster end had it not been so miserably frickin humid :(

1: 00:45, 7:35mpm (1:03, 10:40mpm)

2: 00:40, 6:44mpm (00:53, 8:58mpm)

3: 00:40, 6:50mpm (00:48, 8:13mpm)

4: 00:44, 7:25mpm (00:51, 8:40mpm)

5: 00:47, 7:58mpm (00:59, 9:55mpm)

6: 00:45, 7:41mpm (got screwy here, sound cue was off 00:33, 5:33mpm, threw off the next one as well)

7: 00:32, 5:27mpm (1:07, 11:19mpm)

8: 00:40, 6:44mpm

cooldown 2.4m, 21:38, 9:01mpm
