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6:46 AM

15.5 mi


7:46 mi


148 bpm
169 bpm


67 F
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3x8 minutes 2:1 work/rest

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Couldn't fall asleep, didn't ever really stay asleep, oh well

67, 97%

Went from Gemini up into Orange City

15 min wu

3x8 min with 4 min recovs (had gummy bears w/ 200 cals/21g carbs after last internval)

1:09:00 at endurance pace

Knee still taped

Dunno what's wrong with that pair of adizeros but left achilles hurt from the get go and it didn't really improve, but it felt SO good to be out running for TWO HOURS!!

That trail is awesome boston practice bc of the rollers and that they're the worst towards the end

Vo2m 60

Cpm - 1 small gator!
