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4:32 AM

9.8 mi


7:08 mi


150 bpm
167 bpm


65 F
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2x20:00 Steady State

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Up at 1115; at alarm, was completely zonked and dreaming about all my model horses running away as I tried to pack them up

65, 84%

Wu 10 mins at 144-152

2x20 mins at 161-169 with 5 min recovs at 144-152

Cd 10 mins at 144-152

Holy 💩!!! Set new mile, 5k, and 10k PRs of 6:26, 20:18, and 42:05 (down from 6:29, 21:11, and 43:28)

Def wasn't expecting that, as felt groggy as fuck eating bf (58.8 miles run since last friday), and had a hard time getting hr up for the intervals

Forgot to look at vo2m

Cpm - 1 hooter + saw another pillow in the street, miles away from yesterday's - not sure what to make of this... have been running for 12 years and never seen a single pillow, and now 2 in 2 days? bizarro!
