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4:40 AM

16.8 mi


8:21 mi


144 bpm
170 bpm


31 F
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Up for over an hr at 1150

yesterday was in shorts and tank, and sweating...

35 at start, 31 and 50 % humidity with feels like of 22 at end! Native floridians are not made for this! tights, leggings, long sleeve shirt, long sleeve fleece, gloves, beanie - no sweat at all

Sky was beautiful, the stars were super low and bright

felt like Ricky Bobby with restrictor plates 😪 pit crew chief wants me to go WAY slower on anything not an interval or tempo

Wu 20 mins 830-900

3x8 mins at 153-160 with 4 min recovs at 144-152 (garmin seemed wacked out, because I was literally barely moving on the recoveries and heart rate hardly dropped at all)

1:24:00 @ 830-900

back does hurt - need to figure out why going slower causes that

am going to have a problem if it happens to be cold at Boston - hands were like ice blocks and i only managed to pull my bottle out for one swig of gatorade, was no way in hell fingers and mouth were going to work to get newtons out and eat

Vo2m 57

Cpm - 1 multi owl hootenanny

Also did good citizen deed of the day, calling 911 for a downed giant-fireball-smoking-sparking power line just after I'd started the 3rd interval and turned a corner, scary! Waited for fire dept, only for them to tell me they needed the electric co
