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9:06 AM

8 mi


6:59 mi


172 bpm
191 bpm


5 / 10
5 / 10
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Baker Park

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What else is there to say about another crappy loop of Baker park. The run itsself actually wasn't too bad. I just hate this loop. Even though I ran at 9 AM, the path and park felt like they were at least in the mid 80s and I was hot. I felt really bad for the tri folks who would be out there later when it really warmed up. I was attempting a building pace run astarting at 7:00 mpm and dropping five seconds every mile. Didn't really his that, but I'm pretty pleased with the result. It felt good to be running hard again and the knee held up for the most part. My right quad is really sore from getting going again, and it worries me a little, but hopefully it will start to improve now.

Also managed to pass a group of bikers with kids who lamented the fact they got passed by a jogger. I made sure that they never caught up again. Really tried to focus on the present and what I was doing instead of what was to come. Took about a 10 second break after 4 miles and about a 30 second break after five. Most of it was due to the knee and quad and needing to give them a break, but I'd like to make it thorugh runs like this without that break.
